Figure Eight and Double Figure Eight Knot

12 May

The figure eight knot is a very common knot used in particularly climbing. However it is not only designated as a climbing knot but it also is used in rescue. it is a very secure and strong knot with a loop to either hook on to or to put around an object. However because it is so secure it does not slide and you can’t tighten it up against and object.

IMG_1089[1]First make an overhand loop with the tail going downwards.







Then use the tail to make an underhand loop with the tail going upwards.








Next place the tail end in the hold of the first loop.








Make sure that the tail goes underneath the rope forming the first loop.








Tighten and you will have a simple figure eight knot.











The figure eight knot is what some call a “pretty knot” but for the most part is useless and a waste of rope length in and of itself. However You must learn this knot and be able to master it before you can learn how to make a double figure eight knot. The double figure eight knot has a loop that is commonly used to attach carabiners to when climbing. The harness climbers wear is made of sturdy fabric and has a reenforced loop that carabiners are attached to. When climbers are about to climb they tie a double figure eight knot in the safety rope and attach them selves using at least one if not two locking carabiners (at least smart ones do). Then they can proceed to climb with an acceptable degree of safety. But if you want to climb you must know the knots needed.

First tie a simple figure eight knot but let the tail have plenty of length.








Loosen up the knot like what is show so that you can begin to weave the tail or working end back through the knot. When doing so make sure the working end does not cross the standing end it is following or twist around it.








Keep on following the standing end making sure the knit is “pretty” and uniform. The working end should have plenty of length to is still.








Work the working end through the knot maintaining the uniformity. if you can;t guess the uniformity is an important aspect to the success of the knot.











Once the working end has been rewound through the figure eight knot clinch it down and tighten it. This should leave a tail that is facing the standing end and a loop on the other side of the knot.






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Posted by on May 12, 2013 in Knots


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